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it is already two weeks ago i have been back to my hometown...

i feel release when the first day i reached my home because of finish my final exam

the feeling was gone more and more boring between the next first day.... the more i stay at home the more boring i gain

but the things have a little bit change was i started feel home is a better place which i can forgot the stress and the unhappy things....

i started feel i dont want to back to malacca ..... i wanna stay here.... but i cant...><

this was a 2010 year... a one new year came to me,i very hope that i can find my boyfriends on this year

i have been 19 yrs old now.... single still... alone still.... unhappy still.... i really hope that god can give me someone who can always take care of me and make me laugh all the time...

but i know all the things is cant to be so rush ... wanna wait the right time,right place and sure is right person....

 i am not that too choosy girl when choosing a boyfriends..... i just hope he has a kindheart,beutiful smile,width shoulders,higher than me and the most important things is treat me right...^^

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christmas is around the corner...... left three days still

my mood was good enough compared with before but unfortunately malaysia dont have winter season...

i feel sad about this.... if i can really saw the winter,that's must be a happiness things in this world...^^

very admire another country residents can enjoy their winter each year ><..

i am here to said 'HAPPY MERRY CHRISTMAS' and 'HAPPY NEW YEAR' to world...

hopefully all the dream will come true and world peace too^^

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在这一个月半的日子里 发生了许多大大小小不好和好的回忆

从原本三人变成了八人 在从八人变成四人 这样突如其来的变化 压得我差点喘不过气来

记得我们三人刚到这里时 是多么希望可以像其他人一样 拥有许多朋友在一起的画面 不管是一起出游,吃饭,上课等等。。。

但自从接触到了 才发现原来不是我们想象中可以如此快乐 原来人心难测 人心是有多么可怕

一个朋友 跟我们同一科系 认识她是透过朋友认识的 认为她是一个乖乖女 是属于斯文型那类的

怎知在第二个学期时 完全不一样了 自从认识到另外一班朋友后 而那班朋友也是我们熟悉的 和我们都是属于同一科系 同一组

她不但言行举止 态度都改变了 甚至连她的性格也都完全改变了 变得好像我都不认识她了。。。。 可怕的是 她好像忘了原本是我们介绍给她认识的其实

开始对我朋友爱理不理 需要你的时候就和你说话 不需要时就完全当透明 还有自从认识了他们后 就开始怎天嘻嘻哈哈 说话开始大声 不顾形象了。。。

当时的我 吓傻了 自问:“她是我认识当初的那个她吗?” 我们三人当初认识那班朋友 也不会把自己搞得一蹋糊涂 忘了身边的朋友

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day by day, now the time was going to 2.18am means that now is tomorrow-wednesday

i am front of my laptop still, never have a bit sleepy and never ever have a bit tired, dont know why?

the exam was going end soon, and feel relax before than the two before days,it was so suffer when i was live in the life without music,facebook and email

but i will opem my laptop still and play facebook a while ^^ hehe....  eh,i have my time management actually and forced myself must study before playing

before this post, i have a lot of things want share and blogging but i lazy and no topic that i really wanna wrote actually, duplication wrote and earase sometimes

so i decided dont want blogging, let myself collect somethings that happened around of my life~

on these fews day, i found somethings that was interested was, observing and searching someone that are really caught my eyes, can said charming^^

it was an interest game and when you are pay attention on it, and hard to removed when sometimes you are addicted by it

i have a evidenced that can prove myself that i really in this game but some of other reason that i worry is, what will happened when i post the photo of that guys on my blog?

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over the 5 hours of journey, i am arrived my hometown finally~

feel tired plus unsatisfied, unsatisfied is because all my breakfast!!!

i decided with my dear friends that we want have a breakfast in McDonald at 'Melaka Sentral' there but.....

all the things was gone to bad secretly, while we reached McDonald and started to do order, we found that all the menu are breakfast set

the time was around 9.10am, normally was offer in breakfast set, although we know that but we still try to asked have a lunch set or not?

the answer was ' sorry, no' although we know it before. Okay, both of us stand there almost 2 mim and still consider and choosing what breakfast set we have to choose?

the waiters was so unendurable seems like, she suggested a 'special breakfast' for us. On that time, both of us just said 'okay' with our a bit unacceptable.

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super double tired again and again, super double hungry again and again, super double miss home & parents again and again on today~ damn poor!!!

i know all this will disappear when i saw tomorrow sun is in front of my eye^^

wish myself have a nice sleep ya~^^ GOod NIght to LOve ya~^^ GOod NIGht to my roomate, belOved friends & parents, world and 'Melaka Sentral'

i will be back tomorrow, see you all ya^^


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haiz..... became bee again today~

busy from morning till evening, all for our damn assignment

early in the morning, 11am, me and my dear friends prepared going to library for doing assignment and found a friend too there

while we enter the library, we started put our things in the box well, after that, went to second floor by foot

we started searching our friend, she's name is winny, after fews min ago, we found her and let us scream because of her formal look

it is really hard to get she while she wear in formal look than wear in casual look^^ but quite nice and smart^^~

except doing the assignment, we also have another things want to accomplish, the things is we want go to see our advisor for gain some advice in this sem

in the library, have a lot of people there and cause the temperature of library became warm much, i feel so hot there eventhought have an aircon

today, most of our friends are going to ACR lab for their presentation, i feel very sad because can't attend there for giving their support because of all my damn assignment

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being dusty here because for my so long abadoned

within this few weeks,i became so hectic to my preparation for presentation

besides presentation, it also have a lot of coursewok and assignment i want to finish between these few weeks

it is so tired on everyday when i was go back and come back from campus, no more times to let you rest even 1 min also can't

today was my presentation day and finally  i passed it althought have a bit stumble while in explanation but i feel satisfy on my performance





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within this over of two weeks,many of bad things that happened secretly in my real life when i was back from hometown also been two weeks i never blogging~ suffer

i feel very very very disappoited and unhappy to my real life,let my emotions emerged quickly and go quickly.....be crazy already

FIRST, internet problem.... you know guys? when after do the decision with my rommates to install the WIFI modem until now,everything's was gone to bad...

from the good modem gone to the bad modem,from the bad modem gone to the good modem. Me and roomates were always feel annoyed because of all the modem problem

we had called to the tmnet in 4 times,4 times also no used and waste our time in every called! only in times fourth also was our last called,we succeed.

but we were so tired when we are off our called that are in fourth times,do you know? after off the called,my ears was pain and hot.

SECOND, 'no internet life',it was so suffer to me included my two roommates.

everyday or in saturday and sunday,we also will on our pc in once times or two times,never ever didn't on within two weeks after the modem was bad.

we were so suffer in that time and always back late after finish dinner on purposed because to reduced our boring feel~

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outing yesterday with my old friend

before she back is in NS(National Service),because the H1N1 influence were spread as fast as it can now caused some of the events cancelled

but sometings is happened surprise to me is,i don't think anymore i can chat with she in facebook

this is all fate i think because since graduated our secondary school until now,we haven't meet each other quite half month already

so this is why i'm so happy when i was chatting with she yesterday and quickly ask she go out 'yam cha' (means drink) with another friend

after fews minute discuss with she and my another friend,we decided go to new open cafe shop name 'Kheng's Kopitiam' at 1.30pm


order a glass of 'three color teh',i forget it real name call but this is true it have three color.

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i'm outing today  with my beloved cousin and sister

shopping centre is BUKIT TINGGI JUSCO,it's a quite good shopping centre in klang

three of us go there by bus around 12.45pm afternoon and arrived around 1.45pm maybe

i'hvnt saw my watch anymore at that time because somethings was happened in the bus

you know??? when we are started go into the bus,there are a lot of pasenger inside the bus already and we force to stand on the bus in the whole journey

this's the first time i faced this kind of things and let me know suddenly is 'i know the feeling when you are stand on the bus without seat'

it was so difficult  and uncomfortable when we were standing there without safe,sometimes will pushed front and behind  by other passenger even~

but this's a not bad experienced to us actually,and the worst part is the driver,i dont know why he keep fetch many and many passenger even his bus already damn full!!!

although i met some bad things,but have one tings that's good was i regonized a handsome guys,the worst is i dont take a photo from him

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i have been home now means that I"M BACK TO MY HOMETOWN NOW

it's so excited when i arrived,i feel so so so miss here and already a month i never came back

today was fully tired when going back to hometown.....you know people,what happened to me today?

i spend a long time to waiting the bus came!!!!! it was so worse to me is i wanna bring my heavy laptop together for taking it back and being crowd there in the morning around 9.30am

the bad news have spread anywhere as fast as it can,that is H1N1

some of you might know this news was become very serious as caused somebody died

the news recently that i receive is about one of the student come from melaka was passed away on H1N1

see...how the serious it is? the virus was spread out as fast as we can't control anymore

plus, the virus was also affected involved 4500 student in NS (National Service) and cancelled all the NS action

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