the test was over just now and i feel how come i become so so so stupid

i even cant get the balanced in the accounting equation then how i can be a accountant????

i really dont know what information i get from the accounting book althought i really read and memorize it in many times and understand it

but you know....every exam,every test,whatever even just a quiz,i also cant get pass as previously quiz of business management,my result is terrible althought is not very bad untill

i confess somethings is i really not a smart,intelligence,clever,excellent student and also girl but i not a bad,mischievious student and girl yet

even i already read and memorize it so many many times,althought can pass but still cant score

i always think like that the god is so unfair to me,he give me the pretty features but not much pretty yet,he dont give me a good brain

i hate the fate like this because it cause my life unperfect and cause me feel shame all the time in front of my parents,relatives and friends too

everytimes i have try more and more times again and agian,but i still cant achieve my target that i set to myself

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today was sunday and sure no class on today anymore and free whole day too

normally on sunday,me and my friends always will go out for ate the lunch and we will sleep till afternoon

at the same times,my landlord will always cooked for us on sunday because she was off today too

so we no need to spend more and save the money at the same times

sometimes she will fried noodles and fried noodless company with some nudgets,curry and many

but the dish she always cooked is fried noodless with the same materials,same colour and same taste....

i know this's quite happiness when i can live with them but you know? ........ most of the people will feel boring when eating the same food even herself

we'hv nothing choices in everytimes and force ourself everytimes to ate and just eat as able as we can.....because we dont want let she feel unhappy

on the ocassion,we discuss about going out ate again the lunch because that noodless really cant fill our stomach

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after class today,me and my fren go to dataran pahlawan and mahkota parade there for shopping

u noe? what happen at there? i buy a ice cream,it's RM7.00 ringgit and i fall it down when i was ate it walking around

at the same time,my fren  want go there's grocery to buy somethings and i ate the ice cream outside the front of grocery door

after that,the most embrassing things happened on me,it's that one cup of ice cream fall down

OMG....OMG....OMG....i feel very embrassed that time quickly and dont know what am i gonna said? -_-!!!

really embrassed now even thought at home now when thinking back......

okay,keep embrassing topic away

then,i ask my fren what place can u take us go and walk around the melacca?

he suggest is st francis Xaveir,dont know the place and never ever heard it before

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到马六甲已经有三个星期的我 现在感觉习惯很多了 不再担心许多问题

从原本的担心到放心 但还不是完全放心 只是稍微感觉不再那么紧绷了

本来以为到了这里 会遇到我不是很想遇到的人 但怎么知道认识了一群可爱+热心+好玩的朋友

Orientation day的那一个星期里 什么情绪都出来了 开心、紧张、害怕 五味杂陈纳~

真是令人难忘+快乐 在Orientation day的前一天 就与蓝色结缘的我 从那一天起 到结束的那一天 成为了我在大学生活最美丽的邂逅^^

可惜的是 我没拍下当时的美好和不美好的画面 要不然相信一定能让所有人 开怀大笑一番^^

不过我可通过文字 来描述我当时在那里发生过的事 遇到的事 和认识了什么人


okay.....第一天就和所有Freshies一同到了学校的体育馆上集合 当时懵懂的我就这样站到了B2 其实早在registration day的时候 已被分配好了 只是我不知道而已

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想不到日子过得真快啊~  转眼间就要到明天了 还有51分钟就是12点了

明天开始 就要开始我的新生活了 心里感觉很不实在哦~  好像在做梦一样 很不真实

同时 明天我就不能像从前一样任性,耍嘴皮子了 因为我要成为人家的房客了 也见不到父母和电脑了

不过我在想 是时候让自己忙了 因为自从拿了成绩以后 就开始成宅女了 不是电脑 就是电视

经过了那么多个月 已经开始要为自己的未来着想了 不可以像从前那样爱玩了

马六甲 这个看似很熟 但却很陌生的地方 就是我明天的目的地 去那里编制我未来的梦

能不能成功 就要完全靠我自己了 绝对不能有一丝的差错 一定要撑到最后 决不能轻易就说放弃 不管它在难在复杂!

本来空无一物的行李 现在竟变成又沉重且膨胀  东西大包小包的挤满了我那狭窄的房间 意味着我将要离开的事实

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when i was watch this video,it make me laugh and happy.

i just hv one word to said'AWESOME' and i'm glad too bcos hv someone foreign fans again !!! (althought already hv more foreign fans haha....)

this's can prove the korean singer are too famous on every country corner,no matter what country of race,colour of hair and colour of complexion u are.

so i go check this guy profile and i get know he's a GOOD,EXCELLENT,EXPERT in make the song of beatbox~

wow...what a talented guy man? He's really super double pretty awesome^0^!!   if someone are interest can go to youtube search bcos there are a lot of song make to beatbox and i bet most of u will feel suprised to him

the song he make to beatbox include




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shinee终于发了他们的第二张mini single album 期待已久的第二张mini single album终于出炉了

用了Romeo这个大家都知道的经典人物 来作为这次专辑的名字 觉得很梦幻+好玩

每个人分别带上了属于自己颜色和性格的面罩 非常的引人注目 加上帅气的外表与纤瘦的身形来表达出 Romeo的另外一面 真的是太完美了^^

重点是 这次队长钟铉也展现了他那一直隐藏的才华 在主打歌Juliette中负责填词的部分 每个人的舞蹈也有了很大的进步 比起Replay[Nuna you are so pretty]更添了许多色彩

当我已看到每个人的专辑照时 我大叫了一下 !!! 怎么瘦了那么多 尤其是泰珉 哇。。。他的下巴尖的可以杀死一只苍蝇 太夸张了 唯一一点不一样的是 泰珉的头发长了 而且还带点gu jun pyo的感觉 因为也是卷卷的

原本就非常瘦的他们 比以前更加的纤瘦了 真的很心疼~ 也许是为了筹备已久的这张mini single album 压力也会多多少少有一些 导致体重不断下降


โรมิโอ Pictures, Images and Photos

Track Listing

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刚推出新专辑SORRY SORRY不久的super junior 又继续有新歌出现了

本人目前还未清楚知道 他们是不是又要推出新单曲 不过希望如此

现在向大家介绍他们的新歌 IT's You(Dok la ko)[韩语]旋律好听是绝对的 舞蹈才是整首歌的主流

如果大家不信 可以看看这支MUsic Video

在SORRY SORRY Music Video里 精湛的舞艺引起了许多歌迷和非歌迷的注意

许多校园活动 大多都选择他们这支Video来作为表演项目 而且是来自世界个个角落

这股强大的吸引力 绝对是非每个团体或歌手所拥有的 当然我不是说其他歌手和团体没吸引力 只不过要得到所有歌迷和非歌迷的青睐 不是一件容易的事

幸运的是 他们来自韩国一间算是很有名的经纪公司SM TOWN 有老板李秀满的支持 即时没什么做宣传也能达到理想的成绩

确实的 像东方神起去年所发的四辑MIROTIC 也获得佳绩 还在2008MKMF上获得年度最佳专辑奖

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我做了什么?What i'hv been doing?


唯一没做的是我的人生大事啦~ 哈哈。。。。开玩笑的啦

还有就是 我即将要到马六甲去升学了 ^_^ 差不多还有一个星期多而已

心里常想 一个18岁的女孩 能否适应那里的环境、人群、天气和那里的生活习惯(虽然是在自己的国家 但不是很了解那里的情况)

我真的不知道(jin jia bu la so yo)[韩语] 这是我第一次 离开家人到外面生活 心里难免会感到害怕与担心

妈妈也提醒我 要注意自己的安全、起居饮食、朋友等等 因为他觉得现在的人 非常可怕 常常看到报章上的新闻 让她对这社会更加的恐惧

其实这些我早已知道了 也明白她为什么会这么做 (是因为她担心我这个女儿嘛)

从小到大一直觉得爸爸是一个自私和吝啬的男人 但自从毕业了 要开始筹划着升学的时候 向爸爸开口 说要继续什学的那一刻

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今早一拿起娱乐版 就看到这个标题

东方神起Micky怒抢粉丝相机 施暴片断流传

真的非常替Micky 感到担心与害怕

害怕其他粉丝会对他不利 我不是没有原因的感到害怕与担心

因为曾经允浩就是莫名其妙的成为受害者 明明没得罪任何人 也没犯什么错

无缘无故的被一位 极度讨厌和憎恨的anti fan 送来一瓶装有强力胶的饮料

当时允浩并没起什么疑心 便打开那罐饮料就喝 喝了过数分钟后 突然感到呕吐 并呕吐得很还蛮严重的

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震惊 !!!震惊 !!! 除了震惊 再也不知找那个形容词了

今早翻开报纸 看到了这个标题


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This's my first time
hope all of you guys can forgiveness
i will improve my technique of drawing at future

Family picture except me

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today is my 18 years old birthday
i thought that ...must nobody else will remember my birthday
it's true .. really nobody else remember ... feel so so so sad

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side of my face,,,,such a little boy ^_^

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today is feb 6th,friday,u-know birthday.i belive that now,micky,junsu,jaejoong and changmin will give a big 'present' to he.the present must be very unique and unforgettable,haha...this's all my imagine lah actually.but...but...but,i also hope this's will coming true.bcos i wanna see he happy always due he's a leader of tvxq,although he's not my favourite member,but i'm really really really wish he can smile always,no matter what happened to he or them,they must smile to face everything.through this fews year,i realize they are truely put more effort into their entertaiment career,no matter their dance,singing also let me feel salute to them, as a cassiopeia of them,i just can said i feel more and more proud of last,i'm here to wish u-know,happy bithday =p

Just for u all....

hi,i'm ur cassiopeia and come from malaysia,my name is is ur birthday,wish u have a great time,year and result in ur entertaiment career.i just want to said,no matter where u r,i'll be there forever,and must healthy always,smile always and handsome always.remember not only me,still have many cassiopeia will be there with u all.although u all can't see this message,but this's the word i wanna tell u last,hope u all can smile always to face everything. Aza aza fighting!!!!!

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